Fractional Finance and Accounting Services

We fit into your finance department where you need us most, allowing your team to operate at their best and highest capabilities with the confidence of support and collaboration from experienced Law Firm professionals.

Whether you are in need of CFO services, Controller backfill, or enhanced reporting capabilities for your Law Firm, Barto Consulting has the expertise to help advance your strategy and improve profits. 

Fractional Chief Financial Officer 

A strategic partner in running your law firm our fractional CFO services help you develop and execute your firm’s strategy while driving long term growth and success.  From ensuring effective processes at the right cost to analyzing performance and opportunities for improving profits, we apply two decades of financial knowledge and experience with law firms of all sizes to serve as your strategic partner in accomplishing your objectives. 

• Initial assessments of accounting/finance department structure and processes, reporting protocols and overall strategy
• Business planning and analysis
• Strategy development
• Process assessment and improvement
• Expense and contract savings analysis 

Fractional Controller 

With a focus on process and documentation, our fractional controller services help prepare your information for wide internal distribution.  When you have multiple partners reviewing and using financials, its important that they be produced accurately and timely while being able to stand up to and support inquiries from all sources.  We help to review and prepare your information in anticipation of these questions and provide the users with the confidence that they can consistently rely on the data they receive. 

• Initial assessments of accounting/finance department structure and processes
• Reconciliation of cash, trust and balance sheet accounts
• Preparation of accounting workpapers for all balance sheet and other key accounts
• Monthly presentation of financial statements, with analysis and key findings
• Budget preparation, comparison to actual and projections

Reporting and Oversight 

Sometimes all you need is an extra set of eyes and some fresh perspective to get your skilled leaders the information that is needed to run and monitor your firm.  Our reporting services are adapted to fit the needs of your firm while providing you with structure, industry best practices and the insight of some of the most experienced financial professionals in the law firm industry. These services include the following: 

• Business Intelligence, development of key strategic metrics and dashboard creation
• Reconciliation of key bank and trust accounts
• Consistent monthly reporting of financial statements
• Commentary and advice from the experts.
• Assessments of accounting/finance department structure and processes 

Other Accounting/Finance Services

• Expense savings, review, and analysis
• Billing rates
• Process review and improvement
• Trust account remediation/CTAPP readiness procedures
• Account clean up
• Dashboard development